
Business Continuity
Testimonial: Douglas College
“Collating and analyzing our Institution’s completed business impact analyses (BIA) and the resulting data was an arduous task that we did not have the resources for. 3Si was able to come in and support our long-term BIA process and help us better identify our inter-dependencies and baseline recovery strategies as well as solidify our recovery time objectives (RTOs) for mission critical functions. The 3Si team facilitated a number of unique and flexible sessions for all of the operational business units at the College; the sessions were beneficial to all internal stakeholders. The unexpected bonus was that our business continuity planners were also able to participate in the process which was invaluable. I would strongly recommend 3Si to assist any organization with their business continuity planning needs. Thank-you 3Si!"
Karen Collins, MA, ABCP
Manager, Emergency Management/ Health & Safety
Douglas College