3Si ServicesCrime Prevention Through Environmental Design:

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles are based on anticipating the thought processes of a potential offender and creating an environment that discourages follow-through. CPTED has the added advantage of creating a sense of security and well-being among legitimate users of the built environment.

CPTED based strategies emphasize enhancing the perceived risk of detection and apprehension. Research into criminal behaviour indicates that the decision to offend or not to offend is more influenced by cues to the perceived risk of being caught than by cues to reward or ease of entry. Behaviour effects can be accomplished by reducing the propensity of the physical environment to support criminal behaviours by adhering to the following key principles:

1. Territoriality is a design concept that clearly delineates private space from semi-public and public spaces and also creates a sense of ownership. Ownership creates an environment where the appearance of strangers and intruders stands out and is more easily identified.

2. Natural Surveillance is a design concept directed primarily at observing intruders. Provision of natural surveillance helps to create environments where there is sufficient opportunity for people engaged in their normal activities to observe the space around them. Areas can be designed so sightlines are open and they are therefore more easily observed.

3. Natural Access Control is a design concept directed primarily at decreasing criminal accessibility. Provision of natural access control limits the number of entry points to the property and building.

4. Activity Support is the presence of activity planned for the space and involves placing activity where the individuals engaged in an activity will become part of the natural surveillance system.

5. Maintenance provide a standard of proper maintenance of the property, fixtures, buildings, and other features required to support the principles of CPTED.

Functions include:

• Locating lighting in such a way that bulbs can be easily replaced, and shrubs and vegetation do not obstruct light from intended target areas.

• Landscaping which is maintained at prescribed standards so that the placement and growth of shrubs and vegetation does not interfere with sight lines or light sources.

CPTED principles should be incorporated into the design of public and private spaces at the earliest possible phase of a project in order to ensure the maximum positive effect for the minimum possible cost. The 3Si team includes qualified and experienced CPTED practitioners capable of delivering thoughtful assessments and recommendations that will maximize the potential positive effects of the latest CPTED principles in a well-designed space.